About Blogger

Hi…thank you for visiting….

I started this blog as an outlet for me to not only share my story but also to help me in my journey to love and accept myself and all those around me. I was hoping that in doing so, I might somehow help someone else who is struggling in their own journey of healing.

My life has certainly had it’s ups and downs and I have been through my share of trauma. Not unlike so many of us. But I have found through out my life, I get asked the same question a lot when someone learns a piece of my “puzzle” – “how did you get through that?”

And the answer is – with a lot of work and a lot of divine guidance. Somehow, as soon as I realized or became aware of a pattern or painful experience or trauma that needed healing, the right tool, class, person, book, etc. would just land in my path. It’s amazing really. But as I look back now, I truly believe I was able to notice those moments because I trusted they would. My Dad and Grandmother LaVerne always taught me that God was a whisper away. And I have been praying for guidance and help since I was a little girl.

I wouldn’t say that I am a particularly religious person, but I am spiritual and believe that God has a plan and he has Angels watching over me and guiding me. Just as we all do and we all we have to do is ask for help.

So, I trust you were brought to this blog for a purpose. And I hope my journey is able to help you in some way.

With healing Love & Light,


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