Comfort Zone…kissing it goodbye!


It’s crazy…if someone had told me 10 years ago or even a year ago that in 2015 I would launch a coaching business to teach an 8 week life transformational program – I would have laughed in their face and probably peed my pants while doing it. Seriously!

   {My dad used to tickle me until I peed my pants when I was little and I can’t believe I am sharing this detail right now…but seemed appropriate at the moment…luckily, I don’t pee my pants anymore though…REALLY!}

Now, first, I have to say that I have always wanted my own business. After all, my father had a strong drive to succeed and an entrepreneurial spirit so “it’s in the blood!” But to be honest, I always doubted the business ideas I would come up with or doubted my abilities and just kept on keepin’ on at the 9 to 5 climb of the corporate ladder.

Isn’t that what we are taught in this country? You go to college to get a degree so you can get a good job that will pay you enough to have a decent living. We are taught to work hard, say yes to our bosses and work 50+, sometimes, 60+ hours to climb the ladder of success. But for what? Helping the success of someone else’s company while the owners reap the rewards of the nice homes, fancy cars, family vacations and private schools for the kids.

When aimages (10)re we taught to trust our great ideas? When are we taught to dream?

I really thought that the harder I worked, the more I would be respected and the more I would get paid. Well, guess what? That’s only partially true. I had reached a point in my “career” where I thought I had finally made it, I was finally an Executive making great money. But I also had a price to pay.

What price are you paying for the money you make? What price are you paying for not following your dreams?

The price I was paying was my sanity. My health. My balance. Undivided time with my family. So the question is “why do we pay the price?” I believe it’s mostly due to fear. It’s so scary to think outside of the box of what we have been taught to think/believe and venture out on our own.

You see, stepping out of our comfort zone is not easy. Our comfoComfortablert zone is the place where we are COMFORTABLE, maybe the place of low expectations of ourselves, our life and our abilities; the place where we push away our dreams and throw great ideas in the trash. So it’s not easy at all. In fact, it can be downright painful at first.

Because you have to find a way to create a new mindset. You have to create a new way of thinking and being. Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Stepping out of your comfort zone requires doing something different. And different is sometimes scary. Okay, maybe always scary.

Two years ago, I had 10 seconds of courage to step out of my comfort zone and take a trip to Sedona, AZ. (You can read about that trip in my blog archives) One year ago, I had another 10 seconds of courage to sign up for an 8 week program that changed everything. And 8 months ago I had another 10 seconds of courage and signed up for a 5 month certification program to teach the class that changed my life. Who knows where it will take me. But I am stepping out!! Little by little. You see, all it takes is 10 seconds of courage to step out of your comfort zone. And who knows what the ripple effects in your life will be!!Life begins at end of zone

Below is a poem I found a long time ago about the “Comfort Zone” and it has stuck with me ever since and I wanted to share. If you are interested in the 8 week program that helped me step out of my comfort zone, click here:

May you find 10 seconds of courage this week to step outside your comfort zone….

Love & Light,


The Comfort Zone

by Anonymous

I used to have a comfort zone where I knew I couldn’t fail,

The same four walls and busy work were really more like a jail

I longed so much to do the things I’d never done before,

But I stayed inside my comfort zone and paced the same old floor

I said it didn’t matter that I wasn’t doing much,

I said I didn’t care for things like diamonds, cars and such

I claimed to be so busy with the things inside my zone,

But deep inside I longed for something special of my own

I couldn’t let my life go by just watching others win,

I held my breath and stepped outside to let the change begin

I took a step and with new strength I’d never felt before,

I kissed my comfort zone good bye and closed and locked the door

If you are in a comfort zone afraid to venture out,

Remember that all winners were at one time filled with doubt

A step or two and words of praise can make your dreams come true

Greet your future with a smile, success is there for you!

fish out of water

Part 2…a new adventure…

Our life is speaking to us all the time…but for many of us, we doubt the messages and doubt ourselves. We have a voice in our head or a movie we play over and over telling us we are not enough or that we can’t or shouldn’t do something. In October of 2014, despite the “little voice in my head”, I chose to follow my heart and embark on an 8 week journey to transform my life. And much like Luke in Star Wars, I too had to “feel the force” (I’ve always wanted to quote that line, love it…) and trust that I was in the right place at the right time.images (1)

As I explained in my previous post, I was in overwhelm mode not only at work but at home too. Something had to give. Burning the candle at both ends for too long leads to illness or even worse and I knew I was headed down that road soon. Thankfully, I listened to my intuition, took a chance and invested in myself. I signed up to take the “Creative Insight Journey” with Jennifer Grace. An 8 week transformational class based off the Stanford University’s Masters Degree course “Creativity in Business”.

Have you ever clicked SUBMIT for something on-line and then said to yourself “oh crap! What did I just commit too?” Well…that was me! After I committed to the class I doubted myself. I asked myself…”Would I really learn anything new? Will I be able to dedicate 2 hours a week to the class? Should I really be spending this money on myself?” But after speaking with Jennifer, I knew in my heart this was my next step.

For the next 8 weeks, I learned tools that I never imagined could create such a dramatic shift in my spirit and in my thoughts. I did exercises that reconnected me to my intuition, my spirit and my dreams. In essence, I found me again. Who knew?! I didn’t even realize I was lost.

The class ended in December 2014 and I was so impressed by the materials and the shift I had created that I was telling everyone about the class and sharing what I had learned. I was so excited that I bet my friends and family thought I was a little crazy…

Then Divine intervention graced my world once again when Jennifer Grace reached out for me to see if I was interested in her certification program to become a coach for the Creative Insight Journey. Something inside yelled “YES!!!” And I listened! Now, I will not lie and say I didn’t have doubts or worry about how it would work, how I would find the money, yada yada yada. I am a Kramer (my maiden name) and worrying is in the blood. But now I had tools to release the worry and JUST DO IT!!! Nike sure came up with a good one there…

The idea that I am lucky enough to share this program with others and help them create shifts in their lives blows my mind. If I can bless the lives of others, then one person at a time we can heal people, relationships, families, companies, towns, cities and the whole world! This journey is being launched in multiple cities and in 3 other countries. Incredible!

And what I am moved by the most with this program is that it gets you back in touch with our innate true selves…LOVE! Which is the theme of my blog – oh the irony! There simply are no coincidences. If you are interested in learning more about the Creative Insight Journey please click here.

My favorite moment during the Creative Insight Journey was when I came to the realizationnew mindset that my life was running me rather than me managing my life. I let the “voice in my head” rule the roost for far too long and it was time to take back control of myself – my thoughts and my emotions!

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”  

– Buddha

To a new adventure…

Loving the journey to a new adventure…

Over a year has passed since my last post, April 8, 2014 and it’s hard to believe where life is headed these days. I am so excited to once again be dedicated to my blog and although the theme of LOVE has not changed, the meaning changed a bit.

To recap for any followers who might be so inclined to read my blog again, last year was a monumental year in my LOVE journey. My post in April last year was about lessons coming back around and they sure did in a big way all year. My quest for nurturing self-love as part of my journey came to a screeching halt when my life began to shift into chaos mode. Everyone has been there I’m sure.

You wake up and rush to get ready for work, get the kids ready, get out the door, drop them off at school, rush to work, focus on a to-do list that is far bigger than the hours you have to complete it, rush home, make dinner, bath time, story time, bed time, clean-up time, prep for lunches the next day, grab the laptop and focus more on the to do list for another hour or two and fall into bed exhausted at 11:00pm or later just to repeat the whole routine in the morning. Every morning. Even typing it sounds feels exhausting. Then add a preschooler that wakes up twice a night and you can add operating on delirious to the list.

By the time the weekend comes, you hope to squeeze in a little bit of fun while running all the errands of groceries, household shopping, laundry, cleaning, post office and pet supplies, etc. I am sure that many families with both parents working full time out of the home experience the same thing. The same “rat wheel” every day.


Someone snapped this pic at my desk as a joke, but this was ME! Totally OVERWHELMED!

 I felt like I was losing my sanity. Always forgetting things and always rushing, rushing, rushing! Now add that routine to the culture where I was working, a toxic and negative environment to say the least and I found myself burning the candle at both ends. By June 2014, I was feeling the pressure and something had to give. My marriage was suffering and I didn’t like hearing our 3-year-old tell me “Mom, put your phone down”. I was always working and if I wasn’t working, I felt the stress of work.

One day was particularly challenging and I stepped onto the patio by my office to get some fresh air and take a break from the madness. Praying for guidance, I grabbed my iphone and clicked on Hayhouse Radio – a free motivational channel I turned to a lot for growth and support. (Click here to listen) There was a show on with Jennifer Grace and the first words I heard her say were “this is why I love what I do, I love helping people find their destiny and purpose”. I had never heard of her before but somehow I knew…that intuition kicking in again…that I needed to reach out for this woman because she would be able to help me.

She was offering an 8-week program called “The Creative Insight Journey” and it was starting in a few weeks. I did some research as I over think and over analyze almost everything…LOL. I absolutely loved what I read and signed up! Come October 2014, I was starting my new adventure…an 8 week transformational course to change my life…

Hoping you continue to tune in….

Blessings and love,
